
Saturday, March 29, 2014

in the morning

10:30pm, I told the kids. "Moooooom, but it is Friday night. Can we pleeeezzzz stay up till 11:00?"
Um, no. I am tired and that's when you're going to bed. Trust me I know you don't think you're tired but the way you guys are arguing with each other over the Wii, I can tell you're tired. 10:30pm is bed time.
As the time approached and I locked all the doors, turned off lights to head upstairs I get a text from one of our loves. 
It read, "mom, can I come in your room and talk when everyone is in bed?"
There are nights when a text like this just melts my heart like butter and I can't wait for one on one time with one of the kiddos.... But last night, was not one of those nights! I was tired and all I wanted was peanut M&M's, Tylenol PM, and a little McGuyver on Netflix.
So, with a reluctant spirit and sigh of "this is the life of a mom", I texted back, "yes". No smiley, no cute emoji with heart eyes like usual, just "yes". 
After the night time hustle and bustle of getting kids tucked in bed, prayers said, songs sung, glass of water gotten, another song sung, and yet again another glass of water. (Just saying, what is it with kids wanting water at night??? All day I have to force them to drink anything at all and then at night they just can't get enough!)
I go into my room after all is said and done, sit on my bed and wait. I wait, I pray selfishly to myself, I hope this is quick... and sure enough in walks the one of the cutest faces that has ever been created. With out a word I watch my sweet child slowly shuffle toward the bed and then plop face down on the bed. There are no words said, just a random sniffle ever so often.
And then I knew this was not going to be quick... 
To be fair sometime parents are clueless, at that moment I was as clueless as they come.
Anytime a child cries something snaps inside us moms, we must turn this frown upside down!!! 
My mind started searching for all the words of comfort I could think of, I was trying to remember all those "Bible verses for your hurting child"... and what were those words to remember in "Chicken soup for the teenage soul"??? 
Before any words poured out of my mouth I reached my hand out to rub my baby's back and then I saw it!
"Be Still"
Oh the words, "Be still"!!! Thank you my sweet Father for your goodness!! 
On my wrist was my mudlove bracelet; Be Still.

So for that moment my child and I sat in silence.  
My want for "me time" quickly left me and at that moment I wanted nothing more than this precious time with my precious child. 
Our moment lasted till 11:59. The little that was spoken were words that needed to be said, there were tears that needed to be cried, and it was a time for this mom to be still, and listen. 
Our Child was hurting and there was nothing I could do to "fix" it... That is such a tough place to be in when you feel completely helpless. 
That last words that were said Friday night was, "mom, I am tired. I know you are too. I'm going to bed now."
I kissed my baby goodnight and felt completely emotionally exhausted.

Psalm 30:5 "For his anger lasts only a moment,but his favor lasts a lifetime!Weeping may last through the night,but joy comes with the morning."

This morning in walked my love. I was unprepared for for the words spoken: "Mom, thank you. You gave me comfort. I love you forever."


Lord, I am in awe of you! Thank you for keeping my mouth shut last night. Thank you for using the simple IN MY FACE reminder to BE STILL! YOU and You alone bring comfort and I love you forever!- Amen

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