
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

under the bed

Happiness and sadness come in waves at our home.  A day full of happiness may result in an evening of sadness, just as a morning of sadness, will oftentimes result in an evening of happiness. 

Yesterday, was a morning of sadness.  Memories of a past life sent one of our loves up to his room, on the floor, wrapped up completely in his blanket, and under the bed.  A greater 
attempt to get farther away from reality could not have been made.  

Bethany and I went upstairs to provide comfort and determine what was going on.

"I am in this world, all alone", came a muttered reply from the blanket burrito under the bed.

Isn't this the very place the deceiver wants to find us?  Believing a lie, wrapped up under the bed, on the floor, separating ourselves from the world?  He wants us to believe we are isolated and vulnerable.

If he can't have us, at the very least, he will try to immobilIze us.  Look to Elijah who after seeing the Creator of all things reign down fire on an impossible altar, found himself hiding out of fear.  Look at Gideon who from the least of his family, and his family the least of Israel, was found hiding in a hole from the Midianites.  And then there is Jonah who was found in a hole of a ship, in the complete opposite direction of where he was supposed to be.  

All lost.  All hiding.  Imagine if it ended here though.  What a terrible thing that would be.  

However, all were found.  

Lost and hiding, all were found where they were, and were reminded that they were not alone in this world.  They weren't even alone in their own world!  Self wants to make much of itself, and will even sadly attempt to stand alone by pushing everything out.  

But the God that pursues, does just that!  He pursues.  He finds, reminds, and redeems. He sends comfort and binds those to him who are his own.  Grace is poured out to the weary and wayward soul, all to point back to His kindness and love.  To point back to Him.  Oh! Taste and see that The Lord is good!

Moments later, Bethany and I find ourselves crammed under our kids bunk beds along side our son, reminding him that he is never again truly alone.   For our antics, we received a bit of laughter, reminding us and him, that not all is lost.  That he is never truly alone in this world of a pursuing God.

So in those times you find yourself alone, bundled up in a blanket, on the floor, completely under the bed, remember someone comes for you.  He loves you.  Refuse to buy the lie of loneliness, and enjoy the company of the only one who truly knows you and wants you.

The Pursuer is coming after you to make much of his name.  To him be the glory.

Luke 15:32 "We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!’” 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Thank you so much for sharing - speaks to every single one of us. Lord, thank You for pursuing us to make much of Your great name! Wow!
