Sometimes the loudest truths are written in words by your son. If those of you know us or my son who wrote this, you know how incredibly huge this is. To be witness to how the Holy Spirit can take a life and transform it right before your eyes is humbling to say the least. Please read these precious truths and take them to heart as this is an out pouring of his.
(I have not corrected or changed any of his words.)
(I have not corrected or changed any of his words.)
What Is a family
What is a family? To me, A family is the people who live with you as long as you can remember in a same household. they are there for each other, to protect one another, love each other, to laugh at each other, teasing one another, the most important is to spent time with each other. Even sometimes we yelled at each other, get mad at each other, say we hate each other, but in the end, this is what i called a “family.” Definition of a family, is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. I want everybody to take a moment, to think about the family you have right now. Is it the best in the world? the worst? or in between? I’m assuming you will say is the best, because this family you have is what God had given to you. Even the people in your family. God chose the right people and putted in your family to help you grow. God will not give you something that’ s not best for you. He even give his only son to you. What else do you think he won’t give to you? Nothing. If you are having a hard time with your family, spent time with each other, and pray. Having a hard time with your parents, talk to them, and pray. having a hard time with your children, loving on them, and pray. If you are having a hard time with yourself, ask God for help, and pray. Why do i say pray every sentence? Because sometimes we are so worry about how to fix our own problem, instead pray about it. We forgot that there is a powerful God who can do anything for you, for us. If you feel sad, mad, disappoint, feel sorry for yourself, or think that nobody cares about you because you don’t have a family, or even it’s not the family you wanted, or you thought would be. But guess what? You are wrong. God is part of your family. He is always there for you, he watched you grow from day to night and day to night. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean he’s not there and he will always being there, for you and for us. The truth is “God is enough.” You don’t realize God is all you need until you know God is all you have. Everything in this world is God’s, even you. He make sure you born just like the way he wanted. He make sure your life just like the way he had plan out. He even know how many footsteps you had already take since you were born. This is the God who truly cares about you, and we can’t doubt about that. So be thankful for what you already have, love the hard times because that’s how we grow. Thank God for all he had done for you, for us.
I been thought a lot. I know what’s like to not having a family or the family i wanted. I know what’s like to feel lonely, sad, mad, and think that nobody cares about me, and even say things to the people i think i hate. But in the end, i thank God for everything he had done for me, and everything he had putted in my life to help me grow. I thank God for given me a heart, so i can feel things. For given me a eye so i can see, for given me a ear so i can hear, and for given me a mouth so i can taste. I pray that God will help me to become the person that he want me to become. I pray for you as well. One thing i think you should know about me is that………. I AM ADOPTED!!!!!
I am adopted by the family i have right now, and i’m adopted by God, into his family. Because of the love of God and his grace. I’m going to remind you again. Be thankful, and love each other. doesn’t matter where we came from, and what we had done. Love each other like the way God had loved us. Because nobody is perfect. Not me, you, not your family, and not anyone. Remember this, in christ there is nothing i could do that would make you love me more, and nothing i had done that would make you love me less. God love us for who we are, so we can do the same for others. God showed his greatest love for us: while we were still sinners, christ die for us. (Romans 5:8 ).
Thank you for whoever spent time reading this. I hope you can take away something from this. I pray that God will give you guidance and direction for you and your family in everything you do.
William Thomas Allen
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