
Saturday, March 14, 2015

amazing update!!

Psalm 27:7 - "Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me."

Have you ever prayed for something or someone and you don't know exactly how the outcome of a prayer is going to be? You have faith that the Lord will indeed answer, but just don't really see the possibility for the request you are making before the Lord because your request seems so HUGE!? {yes that sentence was most likely a grammatical mess} 

Well, last night was one of those pretty flat out, face to the ground kinda nights. All of a sudden as I am scrolling through the news-feeds of life on Facebook, up pops a post. As soon as I started to read it my heart was just pounding. I was like could this be, is this really what I think it could be?? I clicked on the link attached to the post and there staring back at me is the sweetest face! 

ANDY, it was ANDY!!  And his picture was attached to a "go-fund-me" link!!! 
Do you have any idea what this means?? 
It means he has a FAMILY!!! Can you all just do a little happy dance with me!?! 

I was just in tears of joy over this last night and my heart about pounded out of my chest!!!

For the Love of all that is good in this world, Andy has a family and he will be coming home!! 

Oh, and what's so crazy cool is that he will be in Georgia!!! It will be the greatest joy to be able to meet this precious boy who has waited for so long to be wanted, to be found, and to be home!!

Here is the answer to my prayers and the prayers of so many: The McBride Family
This, this is what it's all about!!


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