Sunday, January 12, 2014
"church is boring"
Friday, January 10, 2014
Beautiful, handsome, cute, adorable, loving. All words commonly used to describe a family.
But, how about strong? How about powerful? Now there's a word. Powerful. Powerful. I have never really thought about a family being powerful, that is, until I opened the garage tonight to find that our eldest had written a message for me on a box.
"Powerful Family"
At first it was cute, then it was challenging, until it became telling.
We are a powerful family. But why? What makes us a powerful family? Is it a bond, a commitment, a love, that makes us powerful?
The Kennedy family was powerful. How about the Bush family? They were powerful, weren't they? And then of course Paris Hilton and her family. The Kennedy family, the Bush family, the Hilton's. All powerful families. But what kind of power abounds in our family? What kind of power should we seek with all of our heart, our soul, and our mind. What power do we seek at the forsaking of all others?
It is the one who is powerful that makes us powerful. My beloved Yeshua said he must go so that one who is better for us must come. And man, did he make an entrance!
In that first church, flames adorn heads, miracles abound, equality among believers exists.
Are we a powerful family? Are you a powerful family?
We have so much stuff to pour out of our daily lives to even make room for the Holy Spirit to reside in our family. So much TV, Facebook, cell phone time takes up the space and occupies the time God so graciously gave me today to give back to him. But I waste it. We waste it. We squander it away, daily, and become so much less than we were intended to become.
I want to have a powerful family.
Imagine what that would even look like? Not the perfect family; the powerful family. All members devoted and driving to serve God alone. How awesome would that be? I can't force it into existence. But I can certainly encourage it and pray it into existence. As a matter of fact, I think I'll do just that. I'll pray it into existence. Let's see how powerful we really can become.
"God formed us for His pleasure, and so formed us that we as well as He can in divine communion enjoy the sweet and mysterious mingling of kindred personalities. He meant us to see Him and live with Him and draw our life from His smile.”
AW Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Sunday, January 5, 2014
raising that white flag
Actually, this is what I heard...
Later that afternoon it struck me. I just witnessed someone who does not know how to accept very well. I ask what you want, you tell me what you will accept, and I will buy it.
This is usually how our gift giving goes.
But this day, we had little accepting. There was more tendency to surrender to an unproven benefactor, putting their trust in what we found best to give, rather than to accept our offer and dictate what would please them the most.
A consumer accepts. We as consumer accept. By definition, a consumer never surrenders.
We are called to surrender to God, but we find it more palatable to accept. To accept means that it is on my terms, in my time, on my mark.
To surrender is usually at the very last moment, that moment that just doesn't feel right. It could have never have felt good on any battlefield to hoist the white flag. I can imagine as the white flag is being hoisted in the air, officers, lieutenants, sergeants, and soldiers are all desperately thinking of a last ditch effort, some cunning ploy, some way out that will not lead into surrender.
Surrender is not a good feeling. Surrender is generally not a good option, and yet the only option. Many games of monopoly this Christmas break have taught me that it is not in my kids nature to surrender. 11pm, 12am, with a lonely Baltic Ave against the rest of the board, with hotels! We will not surrender!!
But surrender eventually we must. How much better to surrender now, and fall naturally to our knees after death, than to be forced to our knees in the next life. Imagine the horror.
Acceptance is a fleshly focal point. Surrender is a Holy focal point. Get the difference.
If you are sitting in a crowd or a room right now, look around. Of all the people in the room, one of you will be the next to die. It's not morbid, it's true. Who is next? Is it you? It could be.
Have you accepted? Or have you surrendered? Ask a person at work, a family member, or an enemy. Chances are you will get a truer answer.
“How tragic that we in this dark day have had our seeking done for us by our teachers. Everything is made to center upon the initial act of "accepting" Christ (a term, incidentally, which is not found in the Bible) and we are not expected thereafter to crave any further revelation of God to our souls. We have been snared in the coils of a spurious logic which insists that if we have found Him we need no more seek Him. This is set before us as the last word in orthodoxy, and it is taken for granted that no Bible-taught Christian ever believed otherwise. Thus the whole testimony of the worshipping, seeking, singing Church on that subject is crisply set aside. The experiential heart-theology of a grand army of fragrant saints is rejected in favor of a smug interpretation of Scripture which would certainly have sounded strange to an Augustine, a Rutherford or a Brainerd.”
-A.W.Tozer, The Pursuit of God
White Flag-Chris Tomlin