
Friday, May 9, 2014

Little lamb seeks her Shepherd

Every parent who sends their child to school has that underlying fear of receiving that call one day that there was a shooting at your child's school.

Yesterday, was that day for us.  

Sometime in the afternoon, teachers heard shots close by, and the school went into lock down.  It turned out to be turkey hunters that were too close to the school.  So thankful that it was nothing more.

As I was discussing this situation with our children today, our fourth grader baby girl, told me that when the school was being locked down, most of the kids knew what was going on. But, unfortunately, the shootings that have made their way to us through the media have also made their way to our children's ears and cause them to fear.

She told me of a boy in her class that was very scared and just started saying the words, "Lord! Have mercy on us."

However, our sweet girl told us these words came to her mind:

"Don't worry about anything, just pray about everything...." Philippians 4:6-7

She told me how she remembered these words and how they had comforted her yesterday.  Psalms 119:11 says "to hide God's very words in our hearts."In moments such as this, the reason becomes blatantly evident.

It really comes to light that God never, ever, ever told us,  that he was going to keep us from danger.  As a matter of fact, he told us that he was sending us out as sheep among wolves.  That sounds more like sacrifice than protection.  But he did promise one thing.  He promised that in the midst of it all, of all the pain, of all the loss, of all the overwhelming sadness, and even school shootings, he would send the Comforter.  The comforter sustains us.

Move from fear into obedience.  Move from "have mercy on us" to "no worry, because you tell us not to worry."

And then trust him to show up!  He will!  It's usually right on time, never late, and rarely early, but he'll be there!

If God fails me this time, it will be the first time.  -George Mueller.

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